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Image by Manny Becerra
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What if the cost of my vacation goes down after I book it with you?
    We will closely monitor your reservation from the time it’s made until you depart. If any better deals or discounts applicable to your reservation become available, we will automatically rebook the reservation for you at the lower price. We’ll let you know every time this happens, so you’ll stay on top of the pricing for your vacation. We’ll probably communicate with you a lot more than most other agencies do, and we try not to pester, but just keep in mind that you’ll be saving money every time you hear from us!
  • Which method do you follow for payments and deposits?
    Your payment is sent directly to any supplier we use (Viking River Cruise, Universal Orlando, Rocky Mountaineer, etc). Your money never goes through our agency. We are partnered directly with suppliers, so your card is charged with them, not with us. The only thing that Phoenix International Travel Agency will personally charge your credit card for is our consultancy fee and remember half of that goes towards your trip.
  • Do you have a cancelation or change policy?
    Yes, we do. For more information, please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy.
  • What if I need to change and/or cancel my reservation?
    While we can’t think of anything worse than having to cancel a vacation, we do understand that things happen, and circumstances change. Your reservation will be made directly with the supplier, and all of their change and cancellation policies will apply. Your travel advisor will review with you any rules and/or penalties regarding reservation changes or cancellations. We will work with you and the supplier to minimize any costs and carefully explain your options in the event of a change or cancellation.
  • How much does your service cost?
    Our consultancy fees start at $100 per person and are required for us to embark on the journey of curating a wonderful program for you. The consultancy fee covers the creation of one trip proposal and three subsequent edits. $50 will go towards your trip and the other $50 is my professional fee. This does not include any initial deposits that are required by the vendor.
  • Why should I use Phoenix International Travel Agency? Can’t I do all this stuff myself?
    Of course, you could do it yourself, but why in the world would you want to? Rather than spend hours on the Internet and hours on the phone trying to find the best prices for the best itineraries and still end up wondering if you really got the best deal, all you have to do is contact Phoenix International Travel Agency. We’ll do all of that for you. Talk about a no-brainer. In addition, our travel advisors already have at their fingertips all the information necessary to plan your dream vacation. There’s no need for you to attempt to wade through the sea of information (and misinformation!) that’s available to get the best vacation possible at the best possible price. Let Phoenix International Travel Agency arrange your ultimate vacation, and all you do is sit back, relax, and prepare for the most unforgettable trip you’ve ever taken!
  • I’ve heard that doing business on the Internet is dangerous. Can I trust you with my personal information?
    Phoenix International Travel Agency collects all personal data from you directly. We never ask that you provide any sensitive or confidential information over the Internet. We want to protect your privacy and the security of your information as much as you do, because we want you as a life-long client! We are a fully licensed travel agency and are certified members of IATA (International Air Transport Association), CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association), and ARC (Airlines Reporting Corporation). For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.
  • What if I run into problems after I depart for my vacation?
    Put your mind at ease – you’re on vacation! We’ll do everything we can to make sure that all the details are taken care of before you leave, but we’re still available should something unexpected occur once you’ve begun your trip. Your travel advisor will provide you will contact information that will allow you to get in touch with us quickly in the event of unforeseen problems. Our top priority is to make sure that you have the best vacation possible, and that commitment to you does not end after your reservation is booked. We’ll be with you the whole way – right up until you return from the best vacation you’ve ever taken!
  • I already have a reservation. Can you still help me?
    Certainly! We will be happy to transfer your existing reservation to Phoenix International Travel Agency so we can watch the details for you. We will conduct an extensive review of your existing reservation and make any suggestions we might have to save you money or improve your itinerary if possible. We will treat your existing reservation with the same care that we would any other booking made directly with us.
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